Actually, I knew Mr. Ernesto Villanueva was lying about his endorsements whena few friends of mine in Acid Heights (Sunset Heights to those of you who didn't raise up here) called to tell me what he said to them when he rang their respective doorbells. Yesterday's post was an example in publish shaming I wish to call "don't lie to mass or I'll have an ass out of you.
I received an email from Representative O'Rourke today admonishing me for not contacting him first. I didn't contact O'Rourke because I knew what his reply would be - "I hold not, and will not endorse anyone." In fact, his email to Mr. Villanueva back on March 3, 2011 reads as follows:
I desire all is going well. I received your campaign poster at our place on Prospect, so I recognise you're out there walking. As we discussed, this is the better way to meet voters, get your name out there and get out what their interests are.
While I'm glad you've chosen to run, and I'm here to do any questions you get on the way, I do need to get clear that I am not endorsing anyone in this race.
Thanks and good luck,
I haven't heard from Representative Steve Ortega, but I'm certain he didn't endorse Mr. Villanueva either.
So what's going on here?
Well, my buddy Jaime Abeytia has already declared me a liar because. well three reasons:
1. He assumes that all candidates tell him everything and this candidate didn't tell him about these key endorsements in their many conversations (you see Jaime is in the can for Villanueva 100% - he doesn't protect anyone unless he's playing "king maker" with their political future otherwise he wouldn't make even blinked at my post).
2. He hates Cortney Niland and thinks that any bad word for her many opponents is good word for her.
3. Can't support the fact that he didn't get this "scoop," which isn't a scoop at all since Villanueva was telling people of his second and range from O'Rourke to run for this place when he was gathering signatures. Even I get at least one friend that lives somewhere other than the "12" and isn't a Palin supporter.
I'm not going to truly get into numbers two and three - they're pretty self explanatory. However, number one is worth talking about.
The final time I heard of Villanueva telling people of his nonexistent endorsements, it was from people he approached while apparently block-walking. This method of campaigning has been used extensively since Mayor Cook used it to win his first mayoral bid. The probable case of Cook's win was not his incessant walking, but some really negative media for Wardy and a very well organized whisper campaign in the Lower Valley that said Wardy was planning on sending Latino males under 30 to Iraq (I've seen the flyer). Nonetheless, walking has become en vogue and has had at best mixed results.
The matter about this case of campaiging is that as a candidate, you're free to truly say anything you need to a prospective voter. There are no reporters present. There are no bloggers present. There's only you, the prospective voter and any quantity of bullshit you need to insure their porch in. I can say you as a late candidate and a Grand Master Bullshitter, the urge to distinguish them what they wanted to discover was strong. What would be the impairment in expression that you're endorsed by so and so, or the Mayor and the top general at Ft. Bliss? Are they release to check it out? Doubtful.
Jaime Abeytia believes that candidates speak to him as they would any person they play on the street. He's wrong. You may remember Rachel Quintana's surprising victory over Wonder Geek - Jimmy Suerken four light days ago. It was widely reported that Rep. Quintana's schtick on the front porch ranged from eliminating taxes to promising everyone a newBMW. okay - just the first part and about other things she couldn't deliver that weren't as decent as a BMW. The reports were all around the like when it came to her promises - promises she never made in her very infrequent public appearances before the election. What she said on the radio was vastly different than what she told people on their porch.
What Jaime needs to make is that Villanueva isn't going to get an obviously untrue affirmation to anybody in the media who might go check out his story. He will, though, tell Joe Sixpack whatever he thinks it will require to gethisvote when it's the two of them chatting on a doorstep. He knows that Joe Sixpack isn't going to call Beto O'Rourke, so what's the pain in telling a little fib? None - it gets him a ballot and Joe Sixpack is none the wiser. But. sometimes Joe Sixpack knows David K and runs and tells David K what he heard. At that point things get tricky.
God love Jaime, but he knows as good as I do how Mr. Villanueva would force this off. Again, I'm sure Jaime is playing King Maker with Villanueva otherwise he wouldn't have been so upset about my admission. Just guess nearly the many posts about politicians I take on this blog that Jaime never even bothers to read, but all of a sudden is approaching to the valiant defense of a guy nobody has ever heard of earlier and will likely never see of again after May.
As for me supporting Cortney Niland. Please - the best thing I can do is give her alone. With my help she may end up like me and mark in the low 30s. If I had some axe to labour for Niland, I'd be serving her by endorsing her opponents - my second is like cancer, nobody wants it and it's likelyfatal if you get it.
I can say you right now in that race Lisa T share my values on just about every individual thing to do with the budget and that may be the most significant issue facing us for a while.
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