What turned out to be a small (extremely small) campaign rally for Lyda Ness at City Hall today may get hurt more than it helped. Here's the data I have.
There were around 15 people standing in a huddle smack dab in the center of City Hall's handicap parking area. The mass in attendance were:
2 - Lyda and manager
3 - Lyda's employee and friends
6 - Save the Valley including Mrs.
Keisling herself
4 - reporters - all print
1 - passerby who thought they might be handing out something for free
The only signs at the objection were Lyda Ness' campaign signs.
As I said in my office from my truck down the street, a lady stopped me and asked where more handicap parking was in tight propinquity to the building. I realised so that the four handicap spaces Ness' protesters were occupying were usually full. In fact - I have never seen them empty during business hours and I drop a terrific number of time at City Hall. I told the dame to go over there and ask them to move. She said she was afraid of driving amongst the people. So I told her to go to the former position of the construction and participate at the basement. She drove off and I assume she got to where she was going.
As you can see in the picture they are gathered right in the centre of the handicap area.
After almost ten minutes someone came out from City Hall and told them to move. At that show the signs disappeared along with a few of the protesters. A match more new people came and replaced those that left.
Here's where they affected to:
They're still in the way for anyone trying to cut in to common and I discovered at least one other handicap plated vehicle backing off from those spots looking to go somewhere where they weren't blocked.
Here's a video that is more of a fold up as I was going at 12:31 p.m.
What is most disturbing about this figure is that there appears to be a blond hottie in the group that I didn't see when I walked by (don't worry, my wife doesn't read this and knows I flirt like fat people jog - not very good and not for very long). She's standing adjacent to the man in red with the computer bag (I trust this isn't her boyfriend, she could do so much better). To Lyda's left (camera right) are Lyda's campaign manager, employees,the remaining Save the Valley goons,and her friends. To Lyda's right (camera left) are several members of the print media.
I mistrust the print media showed up because it's last and they don't let anything better to do. Some news cameras could have shown up after I left, but they were not on hand for the start of the "protest."
Clearly this was another publicity stunt by Ness and it was taken right of the Teresa Caballero playbook. A playbook, mind you, that is devastatingly effective when properly executed - see Leeds and Caballero's recent thrashing of the DA's office for clear show of what I claim.
I did see that Lilly met with a radical of constituents during the dissent in Mission Hills. It looks like she was making the better of the site while Ness was making handicap people walk farther in the heat.
Ness showed that she isinconsiderate and incognizant of her own thoughts on campaigning on city property. This will injure her far worse than she can ever imagine.
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