What the heck, I figured I would rise into this discussion. David K and Jaime Abeytia have been going backwards and forward on their Blogs and Facebook about Congressman Reyes' billboard that depicts an American Flag flying backwards.
In defending the Congressman Jaime mentions his military experience and claims that the pin was printed that way to establish some form of forward motion like in the Army's uniform.
David K claims that there are certain rules in advertisement that rule the way an American Flag is portrayed in printAdvertising and that it should have never been printed that way.
If any of you live either of the two you recognize that they will be at it for a while because neither likes to be wrong.
David K has returned to being anantagonizer since his failed run for County Commissioner andJaime is a huge Reyes supporter who will hinder his candidate no matter what. Good for him, but he is incorrect on this one. He is such a firm supporter that he is claiming David K is making up some fake advertising rules to establish his point.
I read David K's side on this one. It has naught to do with party affiliation, in fact David K is in limbo on that right now since he has spurned the local Republican Party and has just recently said that the Tea Party movement is dead. I'm not certain what his next act will be. maybe I'll ask Jaime since they are so close.
If anything its more of a Marine vs. Soldier thing. Marines didn't wear backwards flags on their uniforms so I don't hold with the logic behind it. Jaime is leaving to get second with "but they wore their name on their butts", referring to Marines wearing name tapes on every piece of their uniform to admit one on the bottom right pocket of their trousers. It's an on goingargumentbetween Marines and Soldiers that will never die.
"The picture is a representation of a flag, its not actually Old Glory Herself. We never took cues from ad agencies when I wore the consistent and to the better of my knowledge, neither does congress." Jaime Abeytia via FacebookFirst of all, any picture, drawing or symbol of the Flag represents Old Glory and should be granted the proper respect. Second Congress doesn't take cues from ad agencies but they do adopt the orders of how to properly display and pay obedience to the American Flag. In fact here is a painting of Congressman Reyes properly following those orders. I have yet to see any Congressman wear an American Flag lapel pin showing the flag going "forward". I would simply cut my losses and travel on if I was Jaime. Sometime you want to recognize when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. And if you ask me, the cards are stacked against Jaime and the Congressman.
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